Sugar Hint 2021 EN




Sugar Hint

Increase sales team productivity by over 30% with proactive customer insights

In a connected, digital world, organizations must become ever more productive to achieve their targets. Professionals should focus on high-impact, value-adding activities, to drive organizational growth. But in contrast, they often spend a large amount of their time on manual processes and administrative activities.

SugarCRM aims to solve this challenge by automating and streamlining administrative overhead and manual activities with artificial intelligence. Imagine a platform that enables users to spend 100% of their time on high-impact activities.

Sugar Hint is a no-touch intelligence solution designed to increase productivity, uncover insight and deliver a one-of-a-kind customer experience.

SugarCRM Hint provides a wide range of important, useful and actionable insights on customers, leads and contacts. Hint uncovers key information at every stage of your sales, marketing, and customer service cycles, giving you more time to focus on the human interactions of customer relationships. Stay up-to-date with the latest and most relevant information.

Contact information:
Includes job title, occupational history, educational background, social profiles for a foundational background on your lead or contact

Account information:
Includes company size, location, industry, description, company social profiles to understand the overall business

Account insights:
Proactively receive customized news and updates on key accounts through a variety of user-configurable alerts

Activity history:
Chronological history of interactions such as recent calls, meetings, and emails related to the lead or contact for a full record view

Convert more Leads, accelerate Deal Cycles and find new Opportunities with Hint

Hint automatically gathers and analyzes actionable insight from a broad range of social and business data sources, all by leveraging names and email addresses already stored in Sugar. Users can also quickly import the enriched data into Sugar with a single click. Without any external browsing activity, Hint has the right information users need to know to start driving conversations and accelerating conversions.

Stay “in-the-know” for important Updates about your Key Accounts with Hint Insights automated Alerts

Users can now receive key customer updates via user-configurable email alerts, in-app dashlets and browser-based push notifications. Users can elect to receive Financial, Press, Personnel, and other general account insights for a customizable set of accounts in the Hint Insights Preference Center. Alerts can be served in real time notifications, instant email alert, daily email digest, and/or a weekly email digest.

Smarter Business Decisions:
Always stay proactive with key insights about prospects and customers to support the right business decisions at the right time.

Accelerate the Conversion Rate:
Eliminate time consuming research and manual data entry, and focus on actual selling activities.

Enhance Productivity:
Measurably increase seller productivity with more time to cover more accounts, contact more prospects and drive more conversations.