Xpertdoc 2021 EN




Xpertdoc – Powerful Document Automation

Simplify, optimise and automate document processes.

Extend your business processes with powerful document generation, automation and archiving and thereby increase customer loyalty and growth.

Xpertdoc offers you the integrated solution to simplify, optimize and automate your document processes:

  • Generate multiple documents, interactively, or as an automated process with Xpertdoc Smart Flows
  • Create simple to very complex document templates using Xpertdoc Template Builder
  • Capture customer information and data with Xpertdoc Smart Forms
  • Electronic signing of documents by your customers with Xpertdoc E-signature Connector
  • Enterprise Content Management with Xpertdoc Portal
  • Seamless integration with SugarCRM, MS Dynamics CRM or Salesforce

The Xpertdoc Suite includes the following functions:

Generate documents in batch, interactively, or as an automated process with Xpertdoc Smart Flows

With Xpertdoc Smart Flows, the entire process of a document process is mapped: start the flow with a click of the mouse in CRM → required data from CRM (e.g. offer, order or contract) or other sources → document template to be used → if necessary, request further details from the customer → Generation of the document → Delivery of the document by email → E-Signatur by the customer → Storage of the document in your system → inform your employees.

Creating simple to very complex document templates using Xpertdoc Template Builder.

With the Template Builder Addon for Microsoft Word you can easily create document templates. Use all the design and layout functions of MS Word. Include placeholders for customer or product information in the document. The data is inserted dynamically from the CRM system.

Requesting customer information and data with Xpertdoc Smart Forms

The Xpertdoc Smart Forms form designer creates web forms that you send to your customers via email to request information. The customer’s responses are dynamically inserted into the document to be created (e.g. offer, order or contract). All within a single automated Smart Flow process.

Electronic signing of documents by your customers via E-Signature Connector

Send documents to your customers for electronic signature and receive the legally valid signature for your offer, order, or contract. Within minutes and without paper! Supports the e-sign services from DocuSign, Sertifi, OneSpanSign and Adobe Sign.

Enterprise Content Management with Xpertdoc Portal

Created documents can be automatically stored in Xpertdoc Content Manager, Microsoft SharePoint or other content management systems. Via the integration with your CRM system such as Sugar CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Salesforce, you can easily create new document entries and save documents as attachments.

Seamless integration with SugarCRM, MS Dynamics CRM or Salesforce

Xpertdoc offers you seamless integration with leading CRM solutions and thus expands your CRM with powerful functions for document creation, archiving and automation. Use the wide range of options for creating, managing, sending, saving, digitally signing and archiving your documents to improve your business!